Filmmaker Nikkhil Advani on Sunday posed in the Rashtrapati Bhavan complex, which he visited to conduct a recce for his new film. Nikkhil Advani ropes in Arjun Kapoor, Gippy Grewal for his upcoming production Arjun Kapoor, GIppy Grewal to be in Nikkhil Advani's next "You can't help but be awed by the scale and the decorum of government. Rashtrapati Bhavan, recce, Delhi," Advani tweeted on Sunday with a photograph of himself in casuals and a pair of shades. You can't help but be awed by the scale and the decorum of government. #rashtrapatibhavan #recce #delhi — Nikkhil Advani (@nikkhiladvani) 1506245864000 He didn't mention the details of the project that he is...