Lata Mangeshkar took to Twitter to give good wishes to Alka Yagnik on her 50th birthday. Melody queen Lata Mangeshkar has wished singer Alka Yagnik on the occasion of her 50th birthday. Mangeshkar took to Twitter to give good wishes to Yagnik on her birthday. “Namaskar. Aaj guni gayika Alka Yagnik ka 50va janamdin hai. Meri taraf se usko bahut badhai aur aashirwad. (Namaskar. Today is the 50th birthday of the talented singer Alka Yagnik. Congratulations and good wishes to her from my side,” tweeted the 86-year-old singer. Namaskar. Aaj guni gayika Alka Yagnik ka 50va janamdin hai. Meri taraf se usko bahut badhai aur aashirwad. — Lata Mangeshkar (@mangeshkarlata) March 20, 2016...